Monitoring and Research

Project Forever Waiheke’s research and monitoring programme – Waiheke-Wise - is focusing in 2021-2023 on undertaking a cluster of research projects, in collaboration with the Waiheke Local Board and Waiheke Island Tourism Inc. Topics of particular focus for this research are the impacts of tourism on the island’s housing, the natural environment, public amenities, health and emergency services, and water security, and also on how tourism has been affected by the COVID pandemic.

Two reports are now available from the 2021 research to date:

“Waiheke is a community, not a commodity”: Stakeholder perspectives on future Waiheke tourism. Project Forever Waiheke, 10 September 2021

Future tourism on Waiheke Island - Submission to Auckland Unlimited DMP process. Project Forever Waiheke, 21 August 2021

The research programme will be designed to provide an evidence base to inform future planning around tourism and the island’s development generally by the Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Council, the tourism sector, Waiheke businesses, and our local community at large. The information gathered from these research projects will be reported back to the Waiheke community and all organisations taking part. The research findings will continue to be published on this website in 2021-2022 and advertised in the Waiheke Gulf News.

The research programme is supported by the University of Auckland School of Environment (Human Geography), through the participation of students and Professor Robin Kearns. Subject-matter experts from other universities and expert organisations in a range of topics will also be called on for their expertise from time to time. If you would like to take part in this research, or want more information about the project, please see our participant information sheet.

PFW research collaboration with University of Auckland School of Environment, 2020

PFW research collaboration with University of Auckland School of Environment, 2020


How to get involved in monitoring and research

We are especially keen for locals to be integrally involved in monitoring the impacts of tourism on the island. Here are some ways you can get involved.

  • Suggest tourism impacts you think should be monitored

  • Volunteer to help with a monitoring project

  • Suggest a group or organisation that might be willing to monitor tourism impacts

  • Send us information about existing monitoring or research on the Waiheke community, tourism or environment

  • Send us research reports or relevant articles and posts on Waiheke and tourism.

Please contact project convenor Pam Oliver or send us your ideas on the Feedback form.